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what is TABLEWAR Charities?

TABLEWAR Charities is a charitable organization whose primary focus is on charitable fundraising for improving the lives of children and adults on the Autism Spectrum. The organization has a specific goal to fund and/or provide educational advocacy for students on the spectrum.

We are a 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization

Link to our IRS Tax Exempt Status

what is Autism Advocacy?

Advocacy is most simply the act of pleading for, supporting, or recommending. In this context, TABLEWAR Charities has a goal to provide Autism Advocates (a professional position) to aide families with students who are on the Autism Spectrum through direct advocacy between the student (with the parents) and the student’s school(s). The Advocate will ensure that the child's needs are fully addressed and supported by the schools while counseling the parents on what to expect and, importantly, what falls short.

How do we Help families?

This is a great question... We have developed an approach that is creating extremely meaningful results for the student and their family.

Here is a summary of what we do:

  • We start by talking to the student's parents or guardians. Asking about the child's strengths and weaknesses, any challenges or concerns, and any past successes with the child's education.
  • We have trained professionals review any existing documentation such as physician diagnosis, school evaluations, any existing IEP (Individual Education Plan) documents, and any other outside evaluations or summaries.
  • Our professionals observe the student (often remotely... ideally, we see the child both inside and outside of a classroom environment).
  • We create a short report summarizing our understanding of the child with the goal of including 3-5 key recommendations for specific services or resources that might help the student.
  • If the parents/guardians are not comfortable asking for these services or resources directly, we send a non-adversarial advocate into an IEP meeting to help the parents request the services or resources.

We have also utilized our findings to help secure non-school related services as well. Throughout the process, it is important to us that our involvement be constructive and not destructive to any relationships between the student and parents with the school as we know both the child and parent may be walking onto that school campus for a number of years and we do not want that experience to be difficult or uncomfortable for anyone.

Our Board

TABLEWAR Charities board has room to grow. We welcome individuals with a passion for Autism Advocacy and meaningful time, energy, and skills to request joining our current team. All director and officers of TABLEWAR Charities are unpaid positions.

Todd Kinkade  - Father of an amazing young boy on the Autism Spectrum. Gamer. Co-founder & CFO of TABLEWAR. Founder of TABLEWAR Charities

Carl Tuttle  - Tech Firm Operations Director, Gamer, Podcast Host

Gary Saunders  - Grandfather of a child on the Autism Spectrum, Retired, Multi-decade Service Organization member (Lions Club International)

Amory Burgess - Senior Business Systems Analyst for Kaiser Permanete. Local Hawaii tabletop gaming tournament and hobby organizer for over 20 years. 

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